Okay so I can't believe that it is December already. I know that I am horrible at updating my blog, I know that I am not the only one either. Things are good with us, just been busy with life. John is always doing homework (at least that's how I feel). I am always working (3 part time jobs will do that). But life is good. Since last I was on and blogged this is what has happened. I had a birthday turned 24... wow can't believe that either. John had a birthday, he's 25. I have 3 part time jobs. I work at PCC still and I work for the local eye doctor still, I have picked up another part-time job working at a cellphone place here in Laie. I like that and I seem to be getting the majority of my hours there. The Laie, Hawaii temple has re-opened, and our beloved prophet came. That was such a treat to have him here. I love having the temple open and so close. I have done one session so far, and well I feel that for right now I am going to make it a weekly habit. OH something random that has gone on, I found out that I am allergic to a whole bunch of things, and that is what seems to be making my skin all crazy. I have to be careful of what I eat. It's still not great now, but it's getting there. I went and bought some Christmas lights for our little apartment, and we "made" a tree out of lights and wrapping paper. It's pretty creative and fun. The end of the semester is right around the corner and so is Christmas. I can't believe it. I will be working a lot it seems like, (which is a blessing we need it.) The two other girls that work at the eye doctor with me will be leaving for Christmas so I will be working over there mainly. When I go on my lunch break there I will be working over at the cell phone place, and then back to the eye doctor, and then after that it's over to pcc. So fun I love where I live and the people that I get to work with and associate with. I miss my family so much. I know that this time a year they are always so busy with activities for the holidays. I'll have to come up with a few of my very own.
haha.. I wrote this and never posted it.. guess better late than never.

Monday, December 6, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
And now...
Okay so I have come to the realization that I am a horrible blogger. I haven't written on here for a good long while. Things with us are great. We've had a bunch of different things happen since I last wrote. Let's see. We went to Utah, had a blast with my family. There were so many high lights to that trip.. worst part.. I am not a good picture taker.. so no real pictures. While we were there we went to the temple, had lots of bbq's went to park city, visited lots with the family, and were able to relax.
Since we have been back we both got new jobs, John now works at the library on campus, he works doing media services. He likes it a lot except he has to get up at 6 in the morning to be to work at 6:30. But that means that I get to see him every night, and on He doesn't work on Tuesday, Thursdays or Saturdays. I like that part too. I work at the local eye doctor's I work there part time, I have learned a lot about different insurances, and different things with the eyes. I like it there a lot. I also work part time at the PCC selling pearls. That is a fun job getting to visit with a lot of people that come to Hawaii to visit. The people that we are able to sell to a lot are the husband and wives that come here for either their honeymoon or anniversary. It's fun and I like the girls that I work with.
The first term will end this Friday and I'm excited cause that will be a good break for John. He's worked hard this term. He took a music class and loved it a lot. He also took biology, that class has been really hard and he hasn't liked it too much. But he loves the teacher, and gets to joke around a lot in class.
Something scary that happened this last weekend was that we were in a car accident. We are all okay and nothing happened to any of us, well minor bruises but we can handle that. The car well it's gone, but that's okay. So let me tell the story of what happened cause I am sure a lot of you are wondering. We were driving with a couple in our ward, we had decided to treat ourselves and go to the Cheesecake factory. I was so excited!!!!
I got done with work at 8:00 and we had invited 2 friends of ours from our ward. We hopped in the car and started on our way. It was kind of sprinkling outside but nothing bad. We traveled for about 45 minutes and were rounding a corner about to go through a tunnel when we crashed. We lost control of the car and went into a cement barrier. First the right front end hit and then the back right end hit. Then our car was thrown into a grassy area that was about 40 feet wide and 20 feet deep before you hit bushes and trees. We ended up in front of the bushes, and it was really crazy. We all walked away with out a scratch. We have minor bruises but we can handle those. The car is gone, that is fine. I truly feel that we had guardian angels watching over us. To not have any other cars involved and not to have anyone hurt. We were all a little distraught for a day or two but I feel like we are all back to normal now.
This just makes me grateful for all that I have. I am grateful for my husband. For new friends that are still our friends after something like this, who just laugh about it now. I am grateful for the gospel and having it in my life. I am grateful for family that always making sure that we are okay, and that keep my in their prayers. I am grateful for my calling that keeps me busy and always has me serving others.
I will try to keep updating you all on what is going on with us. Sorry that I am so lame.
Since we have been back we both got new jobs, John now works at the library on campus, he works doing media services. He likes it a lot except he has to get up at 6 in the morning to be to work at 6:30. But that means that I get to see him every night, and on He doesn't work on Tuesday, Thursdays or Saturdays. I like that part too. I work at the local eye doctor's I work there part time, I have learned a lot about different insurances, and different things with the eyes. I like it there a lot. I also work part time at the PCC selling pearls. That is a fun job getting to visit with a lot of people that come to Hawaii to visit. The people that we are able to sell to a lot are the husband and wives that come here for either their honeymoon or anniversary. It's fun and I like the girls that I work with.
The first term will end this Friday and I'm excited cause that will be a good break for John. He's worked hard this term. He took a music class and loved it a lot. He also took biology, that class has been really hard and he hasn't liked it too much. But he loves the teacher, and gets to joke around a lot in class.
Something scary that happened this last weekend was that we were in a car accident. We are all okay and nothing happened to any of us, well minor bruises but we can handle that. The car well it's gone, but that's okay. So let me tell the story of what happened cause I am sure a lot of you are wondering. We were driving with a couple in our ward, we had decided to treat ourselves and go to the Cheesecake factory. I was so excited!!!!
I got done with work at 8:00 and we had invited 2 friends of ours from our ward. We hopped in the car and started on our way. It was kind of sprinkling outside but nothing bad. We traveled for about 45 minutes and were rounding a corner about to go through a tunnel when we crashed. We lost control of the car and went into a cement barrier. First the right front end hit and then the back right end hit. Then our car was thrown into a grassy area that was about 40 feet wide and 20 feet deep before you hit bushes and trees. We ended up in front of the bushes, and it was really crazy. We all walked away with out a scratch. We have minor bruises but we can handle those. The car is gone, that is fine. I truly feel that we had guardian angels watching over us. To not have any other cars involved and not to have anyone hurt. We were all a little distraught for a day or two but I feel like we are all back to normal now.
This just makes me grateful for all that I have. I am grateful for my husband. For new friends that are still our friends after something like this, who just laugh about it now. I am grateful for the gospel and having it in my life. I am grateful for family that always making sure that we are okay, and that keep my in their prayers. I am grateful for my calling that keeps me busy and always has me serving others.
I will try to keep updating you all on what is going on with us. Sorry that I am so lame.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Newest Happenings...
Okay, so I am so bad at updating my blog, but I watch all of yours everyday to see if you have updated yours. It's rather funny, I keep thinking to myself, come on people update. I guess it's about time that I really updated you all on whats going on with me.
I am done with school, things have changed a little bit, I ended up doing the non-certification route. The school wanted me to continue, because I wasn't doing things quite the way that they wanted it, but instead of doing that, I decided to just be done. I am currently looking for a job. I actually have a job interview tomorrow, and the job seems to be promising. A friend in my ward has been telling me all about it, and even telling the people that she works with, and her HR department that I am really good.
John is moving along with school, he will be finishing up in a few weeks. I can't wait for both of us to be done. He will get a little break, but I am excited about being all the way done. I got a new calling, I am in charge of Enrichment, I'm a little nervous about it, but I think that it should be a good change for me. We miss you all and can't wait to come home and visit. Things I am sure have changed a lot back home, I am not sure what has changed here, but I am sure there are some changes too. Love you all!!! Ou te Alofa i a ou!!!
I am done with school, things have changed a little bit, I ended up doing the non-certification route. The school wanted me to continue, because I wasn't doing things quite the way that they wanted it, but instead of doing that, I decided to just be done. I am currently looking for a job. I actually have a job interview tomorrow, and the job seems to be promising. A friend in my ward has been telling me all about it, and even telling the people that she works with, and her HR department that I am really good.
John is moving along with school, he will be finishing up in a few weeks. I can't wait for both of us to be done. He will get a little break, but I am excited about being all the way done. I got a new calling, I am in charge of Enrichment, I'm a little nervous about it, but I think that it should be a good change for me. We miss you all and can't wait to come home and visit. Things I am sure have changed a lot back home, I am not sure what has changed here, but I am sure there are some changes too. Love you all!!! Ou te Alofa i a ou!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Graduation and other stuff!!
Wow... So it's been quite a while since I wrote about what's going on with us. School has been really busy. John just finished his winter semester, had a week break and started the next term. I walked in graduation, and then went back to school the following Monday. Recently I finished doing my 20 days of soloing, where I was completely in charge of the class. It was a lot of work and kept me up a lot of night, but I made it through it. I love the kids and am really going to miss teaching them next year. I will be done with school end of May, and then I have to have exit interviews with the School of Education, but after that I will be completely done. I can't wait.
We will be coming to Utah June 29-15th of July, and we can't wait. There are so many things that we are looking forward to doing in Utah. Some of the things that we want to do:
-Make smores up the canyon
-play rubgy with the boys
-do a session at the temple
-go 4 wheeling
-breakfast up the canyon
This is all that I can think of right now, but I am sure there is lot's more. We want to come and have lots of fun.
Some odd and interesting things that have been happening with us lately. I have had these red itchy spots on my legs, and I've scratched them so much that I would have these red sores on my legs. I went to the doctor and he said it was from shaving. Things should be getting better he gave me some cream and medicine to take. John has had an infection in his eye, that the doctor said was from him spending so much time in the sun. He had this little white spot, and apparently Polynesian get it a lot because they spend so much time in the sun. We got eye drops and his eye should be getting better. I apparently have gained weight, and people think that I am prego, not the case.. I guess I better get my butt in gear and start working out.
Well I think that is all the new info on us. Hope all is well with you guys. We love you all and miss you all!!!
We will be coming to Utah June 29-15th of July, and we can't wait. There are so many things that we are looking forward to doing in Utah. Some of the things that we want to do:
-Make smores up the canyon
-play rubgy with the boys
-do a session at the temple
-go 4 wheeling
-breakfast up the canyon
This is all that I can think of right now, but I am sure there is lot's more. We want to come and have lots of fun.
Some odd and interesting things that have been happening with us lately. I have had these red itchy spots on my legs, and I've scratched them so much that I would have these red sores on my legs. I went to the doctor and he said it was from shaving. Things should be getting better he gave me some cream and medicine to take. John has had an infection in his eye, that the doctor said was from him spending so much time in the sun. He had this little white spot, and apparently Polynesian get it a lot because they spend so much time in the sun. We got eye drops and his eye should be getting better. I apparently have gained weight, and people think that I am prego, not the case.. I guess I better get my butt in gear and start working out.
Well I think that is all the new info on us. Hope all is well with you guys. We love you all and miss you all!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Our Humble Abode
Here are some pics of our house in case you wanted to know what it all looks like. It isn't much, but I love it. We don't have much but we love it. It is very cozy.
Also here are the things that we got for Valentines Day. I know that it's early but we both couldn't wait.. And well you know me I am kind of a snoop and as soon as he told me he had bought stuff I couldn't help but look for it. He was kind of sad. I have to do better with that!
Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day and a Wonderful day off on Presidents Day, oh and also a Happy Chinese New Year!!! Love you all and miss you like crazy!
The Fuiava's!!! I love saying that.
Friday, February 12, 2010
What's going on now?
Hello Everyone!!! I know that it has been a while since you heard from me. Things are going so well. John and I love being married. We are getting used to all the things that we get to do together, but I think that we have been able to adjust well. I have been learning how to cook lots of different things. Just tonight I made, Pani Popo. This is a sweet roll bread that is made with coconut milk. I haven't tasted it yet, but I am pretty sure that it will turn out well. We make coco rice, and have hot coco all the time and it is good. John is very good to me and had made dinner several nights. I feel horrible because I know how to cook but it is always simple things and I have a recipe to follow most of the time, I know it's horrible. I'll have to give you all the recipe for pani popo so that you can make it and try it. It's pretty good.
We have both been very busy with school. I leave really early in the mornings about 6:10, and don't get home till later around 4:30 or 5. I love being with the kids, they are wonderful. They can be a handful sometimes, but I just love being with them. I am going to be doing lots of lesson plans and things soon because I will be doing my soloing here shortly. I'm pretty excited about it but also scared because they will all be in my control and their learning will be up to me. John has been busy with work and school. We both get home at night and all we want to do is go to sleep. Oh John's calling in our ward is assistant farm coordinator. It's funny he just loves it. Back home in Samoa he grew up on a farm, so he feels at home there. He isn't a morning person, well at least he hates having to work up, so I have to force him up and out of bed, but once he's up he loves being over at the farm. I don't have a calling in the ward yet, but I am hoping that soon I will.
Our really good friends here had a baby a few weeks ago, and the other night I was able to tend for them. I just love the babies. I miss all of you guys and all the little ones. I have heard that little Ellie is doing great and that Little Kate is just adorable. I have been able to see a few pics and I love her. I hope that you are all doing well and that things are going good. I'll try to update on here every so often.
Cassi and John
We have both been very busy with school. I leave really early in the mornings about 6:10, and don't get home till later around 4:30 or 5. I love being with the kids, they are wonderful. They can be a handful sometimes, but I just love being with them. I am going to be doing lots of lesson plans and things soon because I will be doing my soloing here shortly. I'm pretty excited about it but also scared because they will all be in my control and their learning will be up to me. John has been busy with work and school. We both get home at night and all we want to do is go to sleep. Oh John's calling in our ward is assistant farm coordinator. It's funny he just loves it. Back home in Samoa he grew up on a farm, so he feels at home there. He isn't a morning person, well at least he hates having to work up, so I have to force him up and out of bed, but once he's up he loves being over at the farm. I don't have a calling in the ward yet, but I am hoping that soon I will.
Our really good friends here had a baby a few weeks ago, and the other night I was able to tend for them. I just love the babies. I miss all of you guys and all the little ones. I have heard that little Ellie is doing great and that Little Kate is just adorable. I have been able to see a few pics and I love her. I hope that you are all doing well and that things are going good. I'll try to update on here every so often.
Cassi and John
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