Wow... So it's been quite a while since I wrote about what's going on with us. School has been really busy. John just finished his winter semester, had a week break and started the next term. I walked in graduation, and then went back to school the following Monday. Recently I finished doing my 20 days of soloing, where I was completely in charge of the class. It was a lot of work and kept me up a lot of night, but I made it through it. I love the kids and am really going to miss teaching them next year. I will be done with school end of May, and then I have to have exit interviews with the School of Education, but after that I will be completely done. I can't wait.
We will be coming to Utah June 29-15th of July, and we can't wait. There are so many things that we are looking forward to doing in Utah. Some of the things that we want to do:
-Make smores up the canyon
-play rubgy with the boys
-do a session at the temple
-go 4 wheeling
-breakfast up the canyon
This is all that I can think of right now, but I am sure there is lot's more. We want to come and have lots of fun.
Some odd and interesting things that have been happening with us lately. I have had these red itchy spots on my legs, and I've scratched them so much that I would have these red sores on my legs. I went to the doctor and he said it was from shaving. Things should be getting better he gave me some cream and medicine to take. John has had an infection in his eye, that the doctor said was from him spending so much time in the sun. He had this little white spot, and apparently Polynesian get it a lot because they spend so much time in the sun. We got eye drops and his eye should be getting better. I apparently have gained weight, and people think that I am prego, not the case.. I guess I better get my butt in gear and start working out.
Well I think that is all the new info on us. Hope all is well with you guys. We love you all and miss you all!!!
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